What is a TS410 certification?

SAP is an international ERP system used by large, often multinational corporations with English as corporate language. In addition, all SAP systems are typically in English, which is why we offer you a certification in Introduction to SAP (TS410) in English, so you can get all terms in English and train your language skills.

SAP ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is the most widely used system for administrative management among the largest companies in Denmark and worldwide.

The target group for SAP Basic Navigation (TS410)

The course is targeted towards those who want a basic introduction to SAP, want to work in a business that has implemented SAP, and therefore need to understand the basic concepts of SAP.

After completion, you can supplement your basic SAP knowledge with further specialization in Financial Accounting and SAP Business Intelligence – you have many opportunities to improve yourself in one of the world’s most used systems.

Vil du hellere have kurset på dansk?

Hvis du ikke er så god til engelsk, har du mulighed for at tage et SAP introduktionskursus på dansk.

På SAP Basic Navigation på dansk får du hele 8 tilstedeværelsesdage. Alt kursusmateriale, og den tilknyttede e-læring, er på dansk.

Kurset kan godkendes gennem jobcentret via de regionale positivlister eller som jobrettet uddannelse gennem din A-kasse. (ERP Intro). Ring på 7022 7226 for yderlig information.


Does SAP-experience increase your job opportunities?


There are lots of job opportunities when you have a SAP certification. In average, there will be about 2-300 jobs within SAP.

Se all the jobs here

Planlagte kursusforløb

  • Online

    7. april 2025

    • SAP-ONE-10402-070425-E-EN

      • Starter 7. april 2025
      • Slutter 21. maj 2025
      • NB: Kurset er på engelsk / This course is in English
      • Please note: you'll need a webcam to attend the course. If your computer is'nt equipped with a camera, please contact us.
    • E-learning

      Dette kursus afvikles som ren e-learning uden tilstedeværelsesundervisning.

  • Online

    22. april 2025

    • SAP-ONE-10403-220425-E-EN

      • Starter 22. april 2025
      • Slutter 3. juni 2025
      • NB: Kurset er på engelsk / This course is in English
      • Please note: you'll need a webcam to attend the course. If your computer is'nt equipped with a camera, please contact us.
    • E-learning

      Dette kursus afvikles som ren e-learning uden tilstedeværelsesundervisning.

  • Online

    5. maj 2025

    • SAP-ONE-10404-050525-E-EN

      • Starter 5. maj 2025
      • Slutter 17. juni 2025
      • NB: Kurset er på engelsk / This course is in English
      • Please note: you'll need a webcam to attend the course. If your computer is'nt equipped with a camera, please contact us.
    • E-learning

      Dette kursus afvikles som ren e-learning uden tilstedeværelsesundervisning.

Skal vi ringe dig op?

Ja, tak - jeg vil gerne vide mere om, hvordan jeg kommer på SAP Basic Navigation TS410

Er du jobkonsulent?

Du kan tilmelde en borger til et kursusforløb, hvis du på forhånd har aftalt det med vedkommende og har fået tilladelse til at overføre borgerens personoplysninger til Nyledige.

Jobkonsulent: Reservér plads til en borger på SAP-ONE

Formularens oplysninger overføres til Nyledige.dk via en sikker, krypteret forbindelse.
Vær meget opmærksom på, at du som databehandler har et ansvar for borgerens personoplysninger.
Du skal sikre dig på forhånd, at du har hjemmel til at tilmelde borgeren.

Når du reserverer en plads til en borger på et kursus, har vi brug for nogle oplysninger om borgeren. Vi skal bruge borgerens fødselsdato, navn og adresse. Vi skal også have borgerens e-mail adresse og et telefonnummer, så vi kan komme i kontakt med vedkommende.

Vi behandler oplysningerne forsvarligt og fortroligt, men både du og borgeren skal være opmærksomme på, at vi i nogle tilfælde har brug for at kunne dele dem med andre. Det kan f.eks. være den samarbejdspartner, som står for afholdelsen af kurset, eller det kan være underviseren på kurset.

Du kan læse mere om Nyledige.dks persondatapolitik her (åbner i en ny fane)





The course does not require any special qualifications In order to participate in Introduction to SAP successfully. However, you have to be fluent in English as the e-learning and online support is in English. On training days, you must bring your own laptop with Windows operating system.

Course content

SAP Basic Navigation part I and II

With the two courses, you will get a unique opportunity to obtain fundamental knowledge of SAP and improve your job prospects considerably. See how many companies that are looking for SAP candidates.

SAP Basic Navigation I will consist of

SAP Basic Navigation part I will last for three weeks. The course is a mixture of tutorial, e-learning and training. Your instructor will be able to explain in English and Danish in order for you to understand the subjects optimally.

The sessions contains:

  • Day 1: Start-up, technology etc.
  • Day 2: Financial

SAP Basic Navigation II will consist of

With SAP Basic Navigation II, you will build on your knowledge from Introduction to SAP I. You will obtain knowledge about organizational structures, master data and transactions within various disciplines in a company, such as purchasing, sales and production.

Introduction to SAP II lasts 3 weeks. The certification is a mixture of tutorial, e-learning and presence training. However. Your instructor will be able to explain in English and Danish in order for you to understand the subject optimally.

The sessions include the following:

  • Day 1: Procurement
  • Day 2: Sales, how to move forward, round-off and evaluation


Through recorded presentations, system demonstrations, practical simulations and group lessons, you will be introduced to the following:

  1. The basic structures, organizations, master data, etc. that is used in SAP
  2. The basic business processes used within i.e.:
    • Finance
    • Controlling
    • Personnel Management
    • Procurement
    • Stock Management
    • Material planning
    • Production
    • Maintenance
    • CRM
    • Sales and distribution
    • Project Management
    • Management Tools / report tools

Your benefits

You will be able to explain the organizational structures used in the individual business processes. You can designate the most important master data, which is created in order to perform individual tasks, and you can explain the functions required to implement each task. Additionally, you will be able to identify the key relationship between the different business areas that support the individual tasks.


How you can participate in the course

Because of a high professional level, the course is offered through 'den regionale positivliste'. You must apply for the course through your job center. If you need help with the planning, please feel free to contact us, and we can help you with a training plan.

SAP ABAP Programmering 07-04-2025 (Online)21-05-2025Online
SAP Sales, SD 07-04-2025 (Online)21-05-2025Online
SAP Procurement, indkøbsstyring 07-04-2025 (Online)21-05-2025Online
SAP Management & Administration 07-04-2025 (Online)21-05-2025Online
SAP Controlling med S/4HANA 07-04-2025 (Online)21-05-2025Online
SAP Business Intelligence 07-04-2025 (Online)21-05-2025Online
SAP Financial Accounting 07-04-2025 (Online)21-05-2025Online
SAP Basic Navigation TS410 07-04-2025 (Online)21-05-2025Online
SAP introkursus 07-04-2025 (Online)21-05-2025Online
SAP Basic Navigation TS410 22-04-2025 (Online)03-06-2025Online
SAP Controlling med S/4HANA 22-04-2025 (Online)03-06-2025Online
SAP Financial Accounting 22-04-2025 (Online)03-06-2025Online
SAP Management & Administration 22-04-2025 (Online)03-06-2025Online
SAP Procurement, indkøbsstyring 22-04-2025 (Online)03-06-2025Online
SAP ABAP Programmering 22-04-2025 (Online)03-06-2025Online
SAP Sales, SD 22-04-2025 (Online)03-06-2025Online
SAP Business Intelligence 22-04-2025 (Online)03-06-2025Online
SAP Controlling med S/4HANA 05-05-2025 (Online)17-06-2025Online
SAP Sales, SD 05-05-2025 (Online)17-06-2025Online
SAP Financial Accounting 05-05-2025 (Online)17-06-2025Online
SAP Basic Navigation TS410 05-05-2025 (Online)17-06-2025Online
SAP Management & Administration 05-05-2025 (Online)17-06-2025Online
SAP ABAP Programmering 05-05-2025 (Online)17-06-2025Online
SAP Procurement, indkøbsstyring 05-05-2025 (Online)17-06-2025Online
SAP Business Intelligence 05-05-2025 (Online)17-06-2025Online

Reservér en plads på KURSUS

Når du reserverer en plads på et kursus, har vi brug for at indsamle nogle oplysninger om dig. Vi skal bruge din fødselsdato, dit navn og din adresse. Vi skal også have din e-mail adresse og et telefonnummer, så vi kan komme i kontakt med dig.

Afhængigt af din situation skal vi også bruge oplysninger om dit Jobcenter (hvis du er ledig) eller din arbejdsplads (hvis du er i job).

Vi behandler dine oplysninger forsvarligt og fortroligt, men gør opmærksom på, at vi har i nogle tilfælde har brug for at kunne dele dem med andre. Det kan være en jobkonsulent, som skal bevilge kurset; det kan være den samarbejdspartner, som står for afholdelsen af kurset; eller det kan være underviseren på kurset.

Du kan læse mere om Nylediges persondatapolitik her (åbner i en ny fane)

Hvilken beskrivelse passer på dig?

    • Når du selv betaler for kurset, skal du ikke udfylde mere på denne side.
      Du kan fortsætte til næste side.

Udfyld og indsend formularen med dine personlige oplysninger - så reserverer vi en plads til dig